We are a family-owned company specialized in producing and bringing the best produce from Brazil to the tables
of North-America and Europe.
We accomplish that by taking advantage of our expertise achieved by growing fruits in South-America for three generations.
André Darricarrère
One decade later, André and Louis-Charles established a life-long partnership planting a clementine orchard specially for the Canadian market.
In 2000, the collaboration between the two families migrated to Brazil, where they owned orchards of citrus and a vineyard.
Nowadays, Andrés grandsons carry on the families business in Brazil, planting and selling mangoes, citrus, limes, melons and others to the local and international markets.
On the late 1950’s, the French immigrant André Darricarrère starts his journey as a farmer in Uruguay, South-America. He experimented on a variety of cultures as peaches, pecan, kiwi and citrus. It is the last one that thrives the most and gives André the opportunity to enter the world of the fruit international trade.
Manapay is the first brand under which André ships his oranges and tangerines to many countries in Europe.
In 2000, his sons Pierre and Jean-Daniel planted citrus orchards in Rosário do Sul, Brazil.
Nowadays, Andrés grandsons take care of family business, planting and selling mangoes, citrus, limes, melons and others to the local and international markets.
Louis-Charles and Michel Routhier